Beyond the ordinary

Discover our most exclusive photographic art prints

Get inspired at home

Kaj on the wall is there to bring inspiring places closer to you. Maybe it is the view of sunrise from one of Namibia's highest dunes. Or potentially a cold winter landscape from Rovaniemi.

Newest prints

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  • Limited editions

    Every print is produced a limited amount of times, depending on the size. For example, a Fine-art print with a size of 40 x 60 cm is printed 30 times, while that same print with a size of 50 x 75 cm is printed 20 times. 
    All prints are numbered accordingly. If a specific number is wanted, please mention this in the comment box at check-out and you will be contacted with the possibilities. 

  • Shipping

    Prints are carefully rolled up together with protective paper and shipped in tubes, eliminating chances of damage to the print itself.

    Depending on the adress entered at check-out, different delivery options will be possible:

    Local delivery: Prints will be brought to you personally.

    Standard delivery: Prints will be shipped by mail. Delivery time: 3 weeks to one month. For urgent deliveries, please contact